Kennesaw Cutlery

Part of the Bud K family of companies, the Kennesaw Cutlery catalog is a compilation of traditional and collector knives, knife sharpeners, various multi-tools and apparel. The Kennesaw Cutlery Catalog carries a variety of name brands such as Case, Gerber, Kissing Crane, Timber Wolf, Cold Steel, United Cutlery and more. In addition to a wide array of collectors and traditional knives, Kennesaw Cutlery offers historical military replicas, high-end swords and an assortment of survival tools. Kennesaw Cutlery also carries a number of one-of-a-kind watches, belt buckles and t-shirts found exclusively at Kennesaw Cutlery.

Catalog Blow-Ins
12 per year

For more information please contact TSW US at (888) 735-2723 or