Potpourri Group Catalog Blow-In Program

The Potpourri Group’s wide variety of 13 catalogs reach a great group of responsive mail-order consumers. Catalogs include: Potpourri, Catalog Favorites, NorthStyle, Expressions, The Stitchery, Natures Jewelry, The Pyramid Collection, In the Company of Dogs, Back in the Saddle, Serengeti, Young Explorers, Whatever Works, and The Country Store. Each catalog features hundreds of affordable gifts including apparel, novelty items, jewelry, collectibles, garden accessories, and many others. With catalog titles geared toward dog lovers, stitchers, horse riders, young children, and homeowners alike, your inserts will reach a wide audience.
There are two mail dates per month. Potpourri Group now offers multiple geographic and psychographic enhancement selects such as age, income, marital status, presence of children, and more.
12 per year
Market, National
Insert Minimum Specs: 3.50" X 5.00"Insert Maximum Specs: 4.75" X 6.00"
Insert Max Weight: 0.25oz
For more information please contact TSW US at (888) 735-2723 or atlanta@thespecialistworks.com.